Monday, August 10, 2009

Early Garden Update

We'll be going camping for a few days starting tomorrow, so I won't be here to give a true garden update, so here's an abbreviated early update.

The big sunflower's head is so heavy, it's drooping WAY down these days. The seeds in the head are all growing and soon, should be darkening. But because we'll be gone a few days and I can't trust that some knuckle head won't come by and thrash it, I will probably cut the head off and let it dry in the garage.

Here is a picture of some zucchini I harvested this morning. I put the fork there for scale. There are also about 4 or 5 that will be ready to pick in 3 or 4 days.

The corn is getting tall and ears are starting to from on the ones in box 1, the tomato plant is getting pretty big, and the good news there is I found a few more tomatoes growing on it too. The cantaloupe continues to spread out, and there are a couple other rather large fruits growing on it. There are a bunch of little ones, about the size of a marble, but we'll see which ones actually grow. The pumpkin plant in box 2 is getting huge, but there are no pumpkins growing yet. There's been a bunch of nubs, but they've withered and fallen off, so hopefully some will stay healthy and grow.

I'll probably do another abbreviated update when we get back if there's anything to update.

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