Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Chug! Chug! Chug!...

We have some new additions to our family...

Meet Moh and Rocky.

Moh and Rocky are Chugs- part chihuahua and part pug (though their parents are both Chugs as well). We adopted them from a couple in our ward. They are about 10 weeks old, and are brothers. They were born Thanksgiving weekend. Anna and I gave them to the kids for Valentine's Day.
The puppies are a bit overwhelmed by the attention from the kids so far, but I'm sure they'll get used to it.
As far as the names, they are "geologic" in nature. Rocky is pretty obvious- Duncan thought of that one. And since my other names were getting rejected, I came up with "Moh", as in Moh's Hardness Scale. The names I was campaigning for were "Bert and Ernie" or "Billy and Bob". That way, when we are calling to them, it would be pretty easy... "Billy Bob!, get over here!".
If you like that new puppy smell, you're welcome to come and meet them.