Wednesday, October 28, 2009

You're on the edge of your seat with anticipation about the garden, I'm sure, so let's see how it is this week, so you can relax again...

The wind is kicking up something fierce out here. So much so, that it's flipped the middle of this pumpkin vine over. It did the same thing during the past week, and I turned it back over when the wind stopped. I'll be doing the same thing this time too, except the wind it due to blow a little longer this time.

As you probably noticed, the vine above, that has flipped over, is the vine growing our biggest new pumpkin. From the previous pumpkins, we know it won't get much bigger than it is now, but it's still cool to grow our own. I'm thinking we might use these more as food than decoration.

Here's the other pumpkin that seemed to be doing really well last week, but this week, not so good. The yellowing is a bad sign. I'm sure that by next week, it'll be withered to practically nothing. On the bright side, there are two others, about half the size of this one, that are doing well. By next week, I'm hoping they'll be as big as this one.

Here's a shot of the corn growing in box 2. Most of them are about a foot tall, and a few of them have really long leaves. They're doing really well.

The corn in box 1 are doing really well too, but they're not as big as the other ones in box 2.

I checked the older zucchini plant today, and luckily for it, there are a couple of good prospects for harvestable fruit. If when those are done and picked, the plant doesn't have any other prospects, I may just pull it out to make room for something else. The newer plants have a good prospect too, but it may have the same fate. We'll see.

There are a couple tomatoes that are about 95% red, bu that may be as far as they go. I pulled off a few this morning that were either withering away or being eaten by bugs that weren't as red. I'll give them a few more days.

I think that pretty well covers it for this week.

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