Monday, October 5, 2009

weekend round-up

Here's some stuff that went down this past weekend...

We went to the drive-in to see Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. Hotdogs, french fries, popcorn, and we're ready for the show. The movie was pretty silly, with some weird and funny parts. The kids seemed to like it. G.I. Joe was the double feature, and we had seen that one before, so we weren't sure we'd stay for it, but Duncan wanted to watch it, so we stayed. He, as well as everyone but me, fell asleep before it was half way through. Anyway, it was a fun night out, and for $16 for 6 of us, it's not a bad deal. The next movie we want to see is Where the Wild Things Are.

We watched General Conference this past weekend. We only missed the Saturday morning session due to karate and errands. Sunday, as we were watching the second session, somehow Duncan ended up wanting to brush Anna's hair, so she let him. It was pretty interesting to see how he thinks it's done. There were a couple times I thought for sure Anna was going to end up with a tangly mess, but luckily, that wasn't the case.

After a while, Jennan wanted in on the action, and got Anna's pick to help. Those kids love their mommy.

Later that day, Anna was determined to get Duncan's tooth out. They spent a bit of time aggressively wiggling the tooth. Duncan was game at first, but soon changed his mind. Anna convinced him to let her try the lasso method again. The first attempt Anna tugged, but the lasso came off. I think Duncan was not too happy with the lasso method anymore at that point, but Anna talked him into in again, and POW, out it came. After a couple moments to regain his composure, and some sweet talking from mom, Duncan emerged from the bathroom with his tooth in hand, and happy to show it off.

Hope your weekend was as fun filled as ours.


Anna said...

Yee-haw! I wrangled that there tooth and yanked it so hard it went-a-flyin'! We had to look for it for a few minutes before we found it... (btw, you are supposed to read that with a cowgirl accent. :))

Unknown said...

Sounds like a wonderful weekend!