Anna was helping Jennan brush her teeth or something,and noticed Jennan putting her hair in her ear (this is a bad habit she's had for quite some time) and saw a huge tangled knot in Jennan's hair. It was a tight knot, too. Anna wanted to just cut it out, but tried to comb it out. I think she wanted it to be a little painful for Jennan to teach her not to put her hair in her ear. Here's what the knot looked like.
The pictures don't really give it justice. Jennan is a prime candidate for dreadlocks in the future.
Duncan has a tooth that doesn't want to come out. The tooth has been loose for a loooooong time, but never loose enough to come out. It's still not loose enough to came out easily, but the adult tooth has pushed it's way up and out behind this tooth (as usual). The adult tooth has also pushed the baby tooth forward, as in it lays flat in Duncan's mouth now. A good pop to his lip, and that tooth will go right through it. Hopefully that won't happen. We wiggle it a little every night, so it shouldn't be much longer before it comes out, but we thought that a month ago too.

Liam and Tegan don't have anything too crazy right now. Anna took Liam to another eye appointment, and that doctor says Liam needs a stronger prescription, and gave us some visual exercises to do with him as well. Tegan is talking up a storm these days. It's kind of weird sometimes because she's the baby, but she's obviously growing up.
Liam and Tegan don't have anything too crazy right now. Anna took Liam to another eye appointment, and that doctor says Liam needs a stronger prescription, and gave us some visual exercises to do with him as well. Tegan is talking up a storm these days. It's kind of weird sometimes because she's the baby, but she's obviously growing up.
So that's the kids these days.
Jennan is a great dread-maker if anyone is interested. I have combed out so many knots from her putting her hair in her ears lately, but this one wins!
So she just stuffs her ear with hair? Looney!
Yeah, pretty much. It doesn't get into her ear canal, she just twists it into her outter ear. She usually says it's to make her ear warm.
that's hilarious! maddie twirls her hair at night and used to get huge knots in her hair daily. i bought some leave in conditioner that really helped getting the knots out. you just spray it on and gently comb it out. lemme know if you want some to try out.
you should buy her some ear muffs to keep her ears warm.
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