Friday, October 2, 2009

Friday Flashback 10.02.09

I found a pretty good one for this week...

I can't seem to recall why we're all at church together at the El Monte 2nd ward building. Keith might have been confirmed that day. But if that makes him 8, then that means I'm 16 in this picture, but I think I'm older than that here. But then again, maybe not. I don't think it's when I became an elder because I think we were part of EM 1st ward at that time. Unless it was for Kyle becoming a deacon, but would everyone come out for that? I'm sure mom will remember.

Mike and Ken look like secret service members. My favorite part is probably seeing Rick the way I want to remember him.

Man!... My hair was poofy! I know I liked it a lot back in those days though, so I guess I can't complain that much. BTW- I still have that tie.

Crazy to think that this was probably taken a little over 20 years ago!


Katz said...

I love this picture! It's so weird seeing my dad with dark hair.

Seeing Rick like this makes me happy, too.

Unknown said...

No pressure.....I have conferred with Kyle and we think it was his becoming a Deacon as the occasion. We think Kyle receiving the Priesthood would be occasion enough to bring all the men together.