Wednesday, October 7, 2009


hortus=Latin for garden

This week I put in a "Y" hose adapter. This way one hose is exclusively for the garden, and the other for the yard. The back yard grass has really suffered this summer because as the garden plants got bigger, it became more difficult to unattach and reattach the hose to the drip line, so I just left the hose on the drip line. The grass and the citrus trees haven't been getting much water. But now that will change!

I believe I've mentioned it a couple times, but here's the little pumpkin bulb that's not withered away yet. Maybe it's because the weather has cooled as to why it's still here. Of course, I've jinxed it now, and to be honest, it's looking a bit yellow, which isn't a good sign. It's about the size of a cherry tomato.

I saw this one today. It's on a vine that's growing near the back fence where we dug out the slope. It's about the size of a marble.

Here's the large pumpkin. It's the same size as the last few weeks, so it's probably not getting any bigger. Might need to pick this soon- 'Tis the season.

Same for this smaller pumpkin. No change in size. Probably just needs picked.

Here are the corn seedlings. They seem to be doing rather well. Glad to see that.

Here's a shot of some of the tomatoes that are turning red. Most of them are speckled still, or a bit orangy. I think I might pick some soon though so they can finish ripening inside.

There you have it. The zucchini have slowed down. There are 2 fruits that will be ready for picking in a few days or so. So that's it for this week.


Anna said...

What a fun post! I need to go into my own backyard to see it now!

Kristi said...

Bill and Sues garden in Flagstaff got killed by an overnight frost. Bummer, but I got 2 tomatoes out of it! You gonna carve the pumpkins or eat them?