Friday, October 23, 2009

friday flashback 10.23.09

This one only goes back a few years, but it's seasonally appropriate...

As you can see, it's Halloween 2006. We're in Pasadena at Grandma and Grandpa McAlister's house for tick-0r-treating in their neighborhood. We were with Josh and Sara's family that night as well.

Duncan is a fireman, Liam is "Bob the builder", and Jennan is a fairy. I'm pretty sure I wore my Charlie Brown shirt, and I don't recall Anna wearing a costume.

I remember that our kids got tired/bored after doing just one street. The next year, Duncan did a little more. Here's last year.

We'll see how it goes for them next week.

1 comment:

Anna said...

I think I went as a pregnant lady...Tegan went as a blastula. (Gotta love science humor!)