Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Today is garden update day...

Here's what I picked from the garden today. Two of the zucchini are from the original zucchini plant, and one is from the newer generation of zucchini growing in box 2. They all look great. The tomatoes are as red as they get. I've had my eye on these for almost a week. They're not getting any redder.

I picked the pumpkins today. Here's Tegan showing off the smaller one.

Here's Duncan with the larger one.

I hope I didn't ruin the vine they were on. When I cut the smaller one, I didn't realise I didn't cut all the way through when I picked it up, and it tore some of the vine. One of the other reasons it did that was I guess I didn't cut very straight either, and cut into the vine a bit as well. There are a handful of ping-pong ball sized pumpkin buds on there, and with my luck, I just killed them all. We'll see. By the way, the one pumpkin bud that was doing kind of well last week?... it withered away. So I won't be taking any pictures of the tiny possibilities till they really seem to be future pumpkins.

The corn is still alive. Maybe once the cold snap passes, the sun will boost their growth without it getting too hot.

That's it for this week.


Anna said...

It was a nice surprise to see those pumkins in the house! You have done a great job Ken!

Kristi said...

I got a zucchini salvaged from Sues garden after the frost and I HAVE to take a picture. I'm gonna get like 5 loaves of bread out of it.