Monday, October 19, 2009

BYU game

Duncan and I had the chance to go to the BYU game in San Diego this past Saturday. There are some hardcore BYU football fans in our ward and they invited half the ward to come down to the game. I think between the ward and their other friends and family, there had to be at least 60 of us.

The majority of us were from the ward, and we all went down early to do some tail gate bbq-ing. I brought hotdogs for Duncan and I, and some cookies and chips to share with everyone. Others went a little crazy. One guy brought a couple pounds of scallops and a couple lobster tails that he cooked in a pan with 3 sticks of butter... my arteries clog just thinking about it. It got quite hot, but there were canopies for shade. Lots of space sharing going on.

Here's Duncan playing catch with one of the kids from our ward early on in the day. I only brought Duncan with me to the game. Anna's mom watched the rest of the kids. (Thanks again Bonnie, you're awesome!)

We sat about the 3rd or 4th row back in the endzone. I liked being that close. Here's the SDSU band playing while they honored the armed forces (marching in on the right), during pre-game.

There's Duncan and I enjoying the game.

Near the end of the game. I thought this shot would be a better representation of how close we were to some of the action, but it felt closer than this shows. It was nice to go to a game that the team we were cheering for won.

It was a fun day. The driving seemed to take longer than I thought it would. I knew it was about 2 hours, but it felt like 2 hours. BYU will play SDSU in San Diego again in two years. It might be fun to take the whole family next time.
Good times.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sounds like fun...I want to go in 2 years.