Friday, October 16, 2009

friday flashback 10.16.09

It's the middle of October, and Halloween is only two weeks away, so I thought I'd share a Halloween picture from the past...

That's Kevin and I dressed up to scare trick or treaters. This is from when we all lived at the compound. I'm guessing it's from 2002 or 2003. Maaaaaybe 2004, I can't really put my finger on it. I do know it was after I took that theatre makeup course at PCC though. My makeup skills were vastly improved.
I remember people thinking we were a haunted house group, and almost walking into mom and dad's house. The yard was all set up, and we had the fog machine out. I think this might have been the last year I did anything like this. I'm sure I'll do it again sometime in the future when the kids are a little older.
So yeah. Happy Friday.


Kristi said...

That was so fun. You guys always did a really good job freaking people out.

Anna said...

What is scary is Kevin's tongue!