Friday, October 9, 2009

friday flashback 10.09.09

Found this little gem today...

In case you can't tell, we're standing on lava.

Actually, Kristi seems to be doing the "out run the lava" pose, and is technically not on the lava.

Keith seems to be doing the "look, I'm touching lava" pose.

Anna's got her thumbs up pose going.

Kyle looks like a lost tourist. Or it's the "How did I get here?" pose.

I don't think I was posing, I was just capturing the moment on my video camera of us being on the lava on the big island in Hawaii.

This is from the Hawaii trip in 2001. Some of us were able to island hop over to the big island for a couple days, and this was one of the things we did. Good times.


Anna said...

Words cannot describe how fun this trip was, so instead I'll say:
"de-dle, de-dle dee..."!!!

Well, that and I guess I can say... "I see the southern-most cow!"

Very, very fun times!

Kyle said...

Good? Fun? Yes I suppose so, but that day was probably one of the most dysfunctional of the whole trip.

But that I picked up a rock with some olivine, so that was cool.