Today is Anna's birthday, and to celebrate, I thought I'd put up a bunch of pictures for us all to look at. They're not in any particular order, but they're all great, non the less.
This is a picture I've posted on my blog before. It's a picture of Anna from before she knew me. The interesting thing about it is I'm sitting across from her at this very moment. This is the mid 90s; grungy (music wise) hippy chicks with long straight hair were totally hot, and I definitely took notice.
This picture of Anna was taken in our first tiny apartment. I don't remember if we were playing darts or what, but Anna was looking so super cute, I had to take a picture. Anna on the other hand is looking a little like "What are you doing, silly boy?"

This picture is one of my all time favorites. I am sitting in Nelly while Anna is pumping gas (she insisted). I don't remember if we were married at this point or not, but I remember thinking Anna was looking particularly beautiful that day, and I had to take some pictures. I really liked how this one turned out. (There are other pictures I took at this time from out of the car, while she's pumping gas, and she has that "What are you doing, silly boy?" look again.)
This silly picture is from our honeymoon trip to the San Diego zoo. If you didn't know, Anna's got a thing for hippos, so when she saw this hippo statue she had to have her picture with it.
Here is Anna with a very young Angus in our tiny apartment. Angus is about 7 weeks old here. I love Anna's hair in this picture.
Have you ever seen a picture of someone doing something they love? If not, here you go. Anna LOVES being in the field doing geological work. Here she is doing some mapping, her favorite type of field work.
Here is another of my all time favorite pictures of Anna. She thinks she looks funny, I think she looks awesome. This is in her room when she lived at home. She wore a lot of vintage clothes at the time, and like I said before, grunge music was in, and so were the new generation of hippy chicks. wur-wurr!
I had to throw one of these in.

This last weekend, Anna attended a geologic conference. One of the things she signed up for was a field trip (of course) to see pillow basalts in the Santa Monica mountains. See... she's sleeping on the "pillow" basalt... that's geologic humor for you. But again, you can't help but smile to see someone who enjoys their work.
And finally, the only picture I did choose to put in a particular spot. One of my newest all time favorite pictures of Anna and I. It was taken last year at my grandfather's wedding reception. There are a lot of reasons why I really love this picture. We're not as young as we used to be, but I think Anna looks as amazing here, as any of the other all time favorite pictures I have of her, if not more. Her smile makes my heart skip a beat. This picture reminds me of how lucky I am to have her as my wife and best friend. I really love this picture.
So, to everyone out there... have a happy Anna day!
(Then go do something productive for earth day.)
happy birthday anna!
Love the pictures and the explanations and Anna! Happy Birthday Anna!
Good job Ken!
Okay! make me all teary. . . . .
Little baby Angus, I forget how little he was.
I DIDNT know about the hippo thing, tell me you have hungry-hungry hippos! Love that game. HAHA love that picture.
Good one bro
Happy Bearthday Anna!
Oh man, you are schmoopy! Your Anna is a lucky girl, but I suspect she already knows that. ;) Happy birthday, Anna!!!
@Kristi: Of course we have hungry hungry hippos!
@colleeeen: I plead temporary sanity! Guess I was showing my true colors there for a moment.
i love, love, love the picture of anna mapping out in the field. i think she looks like mom in that picture.
and I'm not even gonna follow it with a bleh! :)
CUTE KEN!!! :)
Ha ha! The one of Anna's old room is making me die laughing. The crib (I am sure I have slept in before) The posters. Once I spilled a thing of nail polish on her bed. There used to be the rosy boa in the room too. I miss that room!
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