Thursday, April 2, 2009

April Fools' Dinner

This year, I was a little stumped as to what to do for our April fools' dinner. Last year I made marshmallow-co-co-crispy "meatloaf", with vanilla ice cream "mashed potatoes", and caramel syrup "gravy". With chicken nugget "mini-cupcakes" with pink mashed potato "frosting" for dessert. But that was before we had the boys on their diet. So repeating last year's dinner was not an option.

Then I thought, maybe a change in utensils or eating on something other than plates would be fun. Like serving taquitos in a cup, and Anna came up with drinking their juice/milk out of a bowl.

I continued to think about it, and decided to make "ginger bread man" meatballs, with "candy cane" apple wedges, and french fries (couldn't think of anything clever for those). We make our own meatballs all the time, so all I had to do was shape them into little people shapes. For the apples, I used a scoring utensil to create the stripe effect. We used ketchup to decorate with.

Here's what it looked like.

Jennan looks happy with dinner. The girls' "cookie" had a dress.

Duncan thinks it's pretty silly.

Here's Liam drinking out of his bowl during dinner.

Happy April Fools' Dinner!

1 comment:

Kristi said...

My favorite April Fools gag is the one you guys do.