Tuesday, September 2, 2008

September ramblings...

Seems so weird that it's September. August went by super fast. When September starts, it always feels like the end of the year is so close. It definitely feels like the middle of the year has past, and the second half of the year always seems to go faster than the first.

Every September I start thinking about Christmas, and starting some shopping earlier rather than later. Plus I start thinking about the items I would like to make as gifts, and that I should start those soon. (Then I put them off till it's practically too late, and cram in the time.)

September is when Halloween stuff starts making it's way into the stores. But because I've got Christmas on my mind, Halloween seems to become more of an after thought each year. And each year I seem to care less about my own dressing up, and whether or not there's a "spook alley" at the ward party.

When it's September, it always feels like the weather should be cooling off, but that's rarely the case. It's usually as hot as the rest of the summer has been. Then on the news you'll here, "unseasonably warm" and "heat wave", but if it happens every year, isn't that then the norm?

Duncan and Liam started back at school today, and Anna's been back at work/school for a week already, which means today I'm back to only having Jennan and Tegan during the day. It's a bit quieter with just those two. Jennan's already asked me at least 6 times where Duncan or Liam are. She misses her older brothers already. But I don't think she minds getting to choose what shows she watches, or toys to play with.

Well, I think that pretty much covers what I'm thinking about on this, the second day of September. I gotta go and make some Christmas lists, decide if I'm dressing for Halloween and if so, as what. But it's so dang hot!

Happy September everyone.

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