Thursday, March 18, 2010

that's more like it

I was a little worried that I over did it last night with the corned beef, potatoes, cabbage, and Irish soda bread at dinner. (After all, it was a holiday.) And that I would still have a lot of that food sitting in my gut when I got on the scale this morning. But I was pleasantly surprised that I weighed the same this morning as I did yesterday afternoon.

The numbers:
Last week- 219.4
This week- 217.0
total lost- 2.4

That's more like it. Two weeks ago I weighed 218.2, then put on 1.2 to put me back at 219.4, and now being at 217.0, I think that puts me back on track. I'm going to try and get to 215 by next week. When I get there, I'll have lost 20 pounds since starting my weight loss plan. I'm looking forward to reaching that milestone.


Anna said...

Mmmmmm....soda bread!

Unknown said...

I've only lost 6lbs so far...good for you...keep up the good work!

Kristi said...

would everyone stop talking about corned beef and cabbage?!? It kills me! Just let it go by and dont notice all the marvelous smells. . . . . . *ignore the drool*
Dang dude, 20 pounds aint chump!

Ken said...

Almost 20, I'm working on it. I can't really tell a difference in my size yet, but I hope to "feel" thinner/slimmer/not as fat, soon.