Thursday, March 11, 2010

Pinewood Derby!

Yesterday was the combined ward Pack Pinewood Derby. The quick ending is- Duncan's car won 1st place!

Duncan decided to make his car look like a Wii remote. When I was working with him on choosing a design, we looked online at many cars and saw one as a Wii remote. Once he saw it, he wanted to make one too. Duncan did about an hour's worth of sanding. He got a little bit of help cutting the small pieces. Anna and I spray painted it white. Duncan painted the details. We put a bunch of layers of clear-coat on it to give it a nice glossy finish. I put the wheels on it.

Most of the action was caught on video, and I have clips of the races at the end of the post.

Here's a group shot of all the cub scouts and Webelos that participated. Everyone got a ribbon for participating. The first, second, and third place finishers got a medal.

Duncan was also part of the opening and closing flag ceremonies, and was assigned the U.S. flag.

I'm not sure how long that track is, but I want to say I've heard someone else say it was about 70 feet(?).

Afterward, Anna took the kids to get ice cream to celebrate Duncan's victory. (I left to go to a Wood Badge beading that same night.)

Here's the first race.

Here's the second official race. The race just before this, Duncan's car had jumped the lane it was on, so they did the race over again.

I believe there were a couple more races to determine the winner. Duncan's car was undefeated!

Duncan's car was the most "finished". I overheard one of the other newer parents saying they didn't know about weighting the cars, etc. Might make for some more exciting races next year.

We might also look into entering some district pinewood derbies. I'll have to find out when they are.

Anyway, good times!


Unknown said...

Congratulations to Duncan and is crew! Good job!

Kristi said...

Jennan is a good rah-rah girl!
Good looking car!