Friday, March 12, 2010

friday flashback 03.12.10

It took me a while to get this picture scanned. Not sure where the problem is, whether it's the actual scanner, or the connection, or the software, but it's been REALLY temperamental as far as working on Fridays goes, over the last month or so. But, I finally got it all to work together...

We're in front of the compound (actually just off to the side in front of the "lot" next door). If I remember right, Keith was getting ready to head up to Utah... or back up to Utah... or just got back from Utah... (or was it Idaho?) ...OK, so maybe I don't remember specifically, but it's one of those (I'm pretty sure).
I don't think we had Liam yet, so I'm guessing it's mid-2002. I'm wearing workout clothes, and Kevin and I did that mostly before Liam and Aidan were born. I also know that it's morning because we worked out in the mornings. That's what makes me think Keith's leaving rather than arriving.
Anna must have just gotten her dreads re-tied and rolled. They look all tight.
I think this is the car that had the dashboard display in the windshield? I think that's why I'm on that side of the door. I think I was checking it out.
Anyhow, it's a fun old picture.


Unknown said...

Keith still has that car. And you all are always!

Kristi said...

Keithyboy looks dang good in this picture!

Kimberly said...

i love that kristi still calls him keithyboy