Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Watering A Lot

Actually, right now I'm watering once in the morning, and once at dusk, so that's twice a day. I don't have any mulch down to keep the soil from drying from the direct sun light, so I'm watering twice each day.

Sorry if this is boring for everyone else, but it's good for me to update, so I can see the growth and not get frustrated.

Sunflower #1, still doing very well. Almost 3 feet tall. I might have Tegan stand next to it for scale next time.

Sunflower #2, doing just fine. Just about a foot tall.

The pumpkin looks like it's getting used to it's new home finally. I think I'll still give it some miracle grow in a couple of weeks to give it a boost though.

Garden box #1: So far so good. It's been just over a week, and they all look like they're doing fine. The corn and tomato have grown for sure, and the others probably have too, it's just harder to tell.

Garden box #2: Still mostly just dirt. The bean plant looks like it's getting used to it's new home, and ... do you see them?...

... the corn is beginning to sprout! There's about 5 or 6 on the right row (you can see 3 very well), and there's about 4 or 5 on the left row. It's a shame that we'll have to thin some of them out, but it has to be done for the ones that stay to grow completely.

There's something very satisfying about growing plants/vegetables. I'm enjoying this experience. I'm glad to be having some success thus far.

I'll be leaving for scout camp on Saturday, and I'll be gone a week, so Anna and the kids will have the job of watering while I'm gone. I'm sure they'll do a good job.

Next garden update in two weeks! Oh, the anticipation!


Kristi said...

The sprouting is my favorite part of growing.

Ken said...

Yeah, the sprouting is very cool, but I'll be more excited if we actually grow something we can eat.

Kristi said...

Dont even think about the eating at this stage, just keep them alive! HAHAHA