Sunflower #1: Looks about 8-10 inches above the fence these days. The bloom is starting to form at the top, but I'm not sure when it'll start blooming though. There's Tegan for scale.
Sunflowers#2: Had a scare with these the other day. I must have forgotten to water them one morning, and by the evening, they were quite droopy and wilty, and I thought they were done for. I gave them plenty of water that evening and hoped for the best. Indeed, the next day they were as perky as ever. I would have been so bummed if they didn't make it. There's Jennan for scale.
Front pumpkin: Is doing quite well. Compared to the one in the back, it's smaller. I'm thinking I should hit it with some miracle grow or other fertilizer. The ones in the back have manure in the soil.
Garden box #1: A different angle than the other updates. This angle shows the cantaloupe plant much better. It's the vine plant at the bottom corner. It's spreading out quite a bit these days. Lots of blossoms. The others are doing very well too.
Here's a shot of one of the zucchini blossoms.
And our largest zucchini thus far. It's about the size of an index finger.
This is the yellow squash blooms. There aren't any squashes large enough to feature yet. Maybe next week.
Here's a close-up of the largest of the cantaloupes growing. It's about 2 1/2 inches long.
Here's a shot of some cantaloupe blossoms. There was a bee buzzing around this morning when I was watering, so that's a good sign.

Here's the largest of the tomatoes that's growing. These are Romas, and they don't get very big, so I'm sure they grow slowly. It's about an inch long.

Garden box #2: The corn is growing very well, and the pumpkin is too.

Here's the largest of the tomatoes that's growing. These are Romas, and they don't get very big, so I'm sure they grow slowly. It's about an inch long.
Garden box #2: The corn is growing very well, and the pumpkin is too.
Here is a better shot of the pumpkin plants that are growing. There's the big one obviously, then there's 4 other smaller ones there too. They're behind because they weren't planted deep enough I guess. A couple weeks ago I saw some exposed seeds, and poked them down into the lower section, and they all popped up. So now, I need to find some other spots to put those, so I can grow a bunch of pumpkin plants.

The zucchini and cantaloupe plants are having a rough time. Between the bugs and the sun, they're coming along very slowly. I should probably spray some miracle grow on them to help them out.
The zucchini and cantaloupe plants are having a rough time. Between the bugs and the sun, they're coming along very slowly. I should probably spray some miracle grow on them to help them out.
Well, that's where we are with the gardens these days. It's been a good experience thus far.
It's a good thing that you labeled the sunflowers as 1 and 2; otherwise, Jennan would look like a giant, and Tegan would look like Thumbelina!
awesome pictures! VERY green!
I'm so jealous! Its been so crazy here even the cactus is showing signs of heat stress! We've got the place picked out already for the greenhouse, someday we can catch up.
Don't get too jealous yet. I noticed the one featured zucchini is yellowing a bit on one of the ends. It's not suppose to do that, it's suppose to get greener. Maybe it needs nitrogen or something?
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