Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Keith's Birthday Re-do

Well, I almost have the computer back to "normal". It was last Saturday when the computer took a dump. When it crashed, I had just started to scan in an old picture of Keith to do a birthday post.

Well, here I am, finishing that post...

Here's Keith at about 12 years old. He's doing some sort of project. This over-the-glasses look was quite common.

Here's the birthday boy turning 7 years old. That's how old Duncan is. Hey, is that Voltron on his cake?! Niiice.

One of my favorite Keith and Halloween pictures. So simple, and yet, so effective.

UNDERPANTS!!! (Keith's 13? here.)

Well, that's my Keith birthday tribute. Keith is the youngest of the boys in the family, so he probably had to deal with the most teasing. Keith, at an early age, passed me way up in video game playing. I still haven't caught up, probably never will.

Keith's a very knowledgeable guy, and I've been able to go to him for answers a bunch of times.

Thanks for being a great brother.


Kristi said...

Keithy-boy!! I love the torn jeans look. And I love that 7 year old hair!! I love my baby brother!!

Anna said...

Happy late birthday Keith! (I'm with Kristi...those pics totally make me call you Keithy!!!)

Kimberly said...

Keithy-boy is right!!! These pictures make me realize how much i miss him living near by.

Kyle said...

So much for being a great brother, I TOTALLY SPACED on Keith's Birthday. Shoot.

Ken said...

"I love that 7 year old hair!!", but Keith wishes he had that hair now.

(sorry Keith, couldn't resist)

colleeeen said...

ohhhhhhh man, that Halloween picture is priceless.

Unknown said...

Love these birthday posts!!