On Friday, it was my mom's birthday. She was planning on going to Disneyland, so we decided to head out there again, and spend the evening with her. Everything was going as planned, we were making good time out to Disneyland, and we had gotten there just after mom did.
We met up with my mom just outside the entrance gates. We said our hellos and made our way to the entrances. Once there, we hand our annual passes to the gate worker, she scans them, and tells us we're blocked out. Huh?!
Turns out that we were indeed blocked out for that day. I didn't even think to check if we were blocked out or not. I figured because it wasn't a Saturday or Sunday, that we were fine. Guess not.
Well, now what do we do. Kyle and Donna were meeting mom and us that evening too. They weren't far behind us, so we waited to say hi, and then went back to our car. The kids were a little confused, but did remarkably well accepting our explanation. Anna wanted to find a beach, but it was pretty chilly and the sun was almost down. So we chose to just drive, and see where we end up.
I headed south on the 57 from Ball Rd. We stayed there till we got to the 55 south, and took that down to the 405 north. Why? I don't know. We exited on Harbour, and headed south. We were in Costa Mesa, not far from the
OC fairgrounds. We spotted a pet store and pulled in to see if there were any animals inside, and take a break from being in the van.
The pet store had some parakeets, hamsters, rabbits, and puppies. The kids really liked watching the animals.
Tegan especially liked the hamsters, and Liam really liked watching the rabbits.

Once we were done there, we got back in the van, and started looking for a Burger King. Some of the kids wanted a
slurpee, and Anna and I were looking to get a shake. Well, BK sells
Icees and shakes, so that's what we were looking for. I headed up Harbour, no
BKs. I came to Ball Rd. I know there's a BK on Ball. We pulled in. I went to get our tasty treats, and Anna started changing the kids into their pajamas for the drive home.
I get up to the counter, order the icees, and the shakes, and the worker tells me the shake machine is down. No shakes. Of Course!! So I get the icees, and head out to the van. Tell Anna, and we both just shake our heads. We're on the road, I know where a Carl's is just off of Ball, and we go there. They have one size of shake (not very big), and they're over 3 bucks a piece!!! Yikes! But at this point, we're so ready to just get on the road home that we go ahead and get the shakes anyway.
What an adventure!