Looks like the new "Super-size" is "mini" in the fast food burger wars.
Right now there are two companies that have new mini hamburgers: Burger King and Jack in the Box.
I haven't tried either of their new mini burgers, so this is not a comparison of their taste, actual size, or value... this is about their commercials.
Here is the Burger King commercial...
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Having had the ones from BK, I would say save your money. I am a big fan of sliders, and they were a huge disappointment.
I'll take that into consideration. It is now your job to try the JitB ones, for a true comparison, and share your findings here. It's science! See, science CAN be fun.
Ok, Ken... you are in trouble for your comment here. What is this "see, science CAN be fun" nonsense. That implies that science is typicially NOT fun...tisk, tisk on you...you poodoo breath! Hmmmm...that for sure isn't world-wide. In fact, that may only be world-wide in my and Sara's world... Anyway, you get the point.
you really are hilarious. i had forgotten ALL about poodoo breath! i was laughing out loud when i read "poodoo breath." and yes, i'm pretty sure that's not world-wide. i think josh is excited about his "assignment" by the way...i'm excited that maybe we can have jack-in-the-box for dinner sometime soon and i won't have to make dinner! we all win!
oh, and while i'm at it...anna, you need to get facebook! we could have so much fun actually talking to each other!
did ken have poodoo breath before or after he tried the burgers? btw, JitB plays the same commercial on the spanish channels, but to a different tune and i HATE it!
@ Anna: um... I already know science is... um ... fun, but I was trying to... um... explain to Josh... you know...
If science were fun, the smart people wouldn't be involved in it. It is like on Jeopardy. Every once in a while they will have a pop culture or sports category, and the smart people try and steer clear of those. Maybe they have hypothesized that fun kills brain cells?
Back to the burgers. I had the Jack-in-the-Box ones for dinner tonight. They are by far better than the BK ones. The patties are thicker and they just taste better. However, they only came with grilled onions and cheese. So, I would advise having them add pickles and some sort of sauce to them.
Did that count for extra credit?
Also, the burgers did not give me poodoo breath, whatever that is.
Good to know.
What about value? Aren't the JitB ones really expensive? And are they worth it?
ps- I don't give extra credit. (Anna taught me that.)
2 BK Burger shots are $1.29.
3 JitB Mini Sirloin burgers is $3.99
!!! If you want quality and are willing to pay for it, they are delicious. The bun is that good thick potato bread, just like their large sirloin burgers.
The BK Burger Shots are standard Burger King taste. The Double Cheeseburger has been $0.99 for a couple of months, so that's the better value there. Still, it is WAY cute to see Andy eat a Burger shot like a big boy.
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