I thought I would honor Sara's big day with a collection of pictures...
Here you can see Sara in the center of the picture, covering up her Curious George tshirt. I think she's 18(?) in this picture, and a senior in HS. This was taken at a birthday party for yours truly. We said it was a "pool" party, and had the toddler pool you see in the lower right corner. Also in this picture is Sara's friend Judy, Scotty, Bryce, Christina, and Erin. It was a fun party.
I believe this next picture is of Sara the morning of her wedding day. It's early, and she's just gotten up. There was a lot to do that morning, and it was time for Sara to get all prettied up. I couldn't pass up the opportunity to snap a quick picture. You can tell she was glad.
Here's a horribly taken picture of Sara at our first little apartment playing darts. It was horribly taken because I think I had to sneakily take it. We had a dart board on the back of our front door. We played darts quite a bit back then. Sara, as you can see, was also a "glasses girl" without her contacts in.
I think this picture of Sara with curlers in her hair is from a drive down to San Diego early in the morning for either Ken and Rachel's wedding, or her/our friends', the Chubuck's, sealing.

Here's a picture of Sara not exactly thrilled to have her picture taken. I think it may have had something to do with wearing the glasses (which she didn't do that often). She was over to play darts. (I think this is from the same night as the other dart picture). I think Sara was around 17 or 18 at this time.
Another curler picture! Yes! This is Sara getting ready for her senior Prom. Her friend Barbara is doing her hair for her. She's all excited.
Here's a picture of Sara not exactly thrilled to have her picture taken. I think it may have had something to do with wearing the glasses (which she didn't do that often). She was over to play darts. (I think this is from the same night as the other dart picture). I think Sara was around 17 or 18 at this time.
Another curler picture! Yes! This is Sara getting ready for her senior Prom. Her friend Barbara is doing her hair for her. She's all excited.
Here's a picture of Sara doing a little solo dancing. I believe it was some line dancing to a country song. I DJed for the Pasadena young single adult dances way back when. The plus side for Sara was she could ask me all nicely, and I would cave in, and play songs for her at the dance.

Girls jumping on trampolines! I don't know who took this picture. This was taken at/after Anna's bridal shower. Anna's the one with the long brown hair, that's Sara jumping, and I don't know who that other girl is.

And finally, here's a picture from our wedding reception. What's going on with every one's face? Anna's biting her cheak or lip or something, and all I can figure is that Sara and the other girl are singing along to what ever song is playing. Otherwise, this picture was taken with perfect/horrible timing.
Girls jumping on trampolines! I don't know who took this picture. This was taken at/after Anna's bridal shower. Anna's the one with the long brown hair, that's Sara jumping, and I don't know who that other girl is.
And finally, here's a picture from our wedding reception. What's going on with every one's face? Anna's biting her cheak or lip or something, and all I can figure is that Sara and the other girl are singing along to what ever song is playing. Otherwise, this picture was taken with perfect/horrible timing.
Actually, for the first bunch of years that Anna and I were married and lived a couple blocks away from her folks' house, Sara and I got to be really good friends. We ran errands, hung out, visited Anna at work, etc., etc. Anna and I would pick Sara up from school quite a bit before she got her own car, we would visit her at work a lot when she worked at Johnny Rockets, and so on. Because of all the time we spent together, I have a special place in my heart for Sara. All the teasing comes from a place of love. Sara is a great sister to Anna, and for that, I will be forever grateful.
Happy Birthday Sara!
btw- Josh has been spoiling Sara all week long, leading up to her birthday. You can check that all out over HERE.
I'm so glad you did this! Sarie is the coolest, and so are you Ken for doing this warm and fuzzy blog entry!
Yep, Sara is pretty dang awesome. If she is old, what does that make us?
We are "old" too. Or, if you prefer, you can claim "older". Better yet, claim "wiser".
wow...i'm speechless! thanks so much!
Seriously the picture of the 3 girls is incredibly great, Anna looks like a pregnant child bride! All thats missing is the shotgun!
I also think the picture of Sara in the van with rollers is deep, it make you look longer.
That last picture is of Julie Danneker, Sara an Anna. Hilarious!
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