Monday, April 27, 2009


Liam recently began karate classes. He's doing pretty well. I made it a point to practice with him a couple weeks ago, and it helped him out a lot. So far, he's enjoying it quite a bit. I think once Duncan and Liam figure out that they can help each other with their karate, they'll have even more fun with it.

Here's Liam in action.

With Duncan, after a karate class that he did sparring in, we started taking him to get a slurpee as a reward for trying his best, win or lose. But Liam doesn't care for slurpees, so I let him choose a pack of starbust candy. He chose one called sweet and sour. He was eating a sour one right in front of Anna, so she quickly grabbed the camera...

That's one soury looking face!

1 comment:

Kristi said...

Love him! I look forward to a demonstration!