Friday, April 3, 2009

Friday Flashback 04.03.09

I made another random grab from a bunch of pictures I have and this is what I pulled out...

It's me, wearing an orange shirt. I'm wearing it because it has a bulldog on it. I think I bought that at an Urban Outfitter store in Pasadena. Anyway, I'm not even looking in this picture, and it's not very interesting, so I grabbed another picture to see if that one was any better. Here's what I pulled out...

This is not a very well taken picture either. That's my good friend Jared next to me looking at the camera. I recognise my friend Jame's head to the right, and I believe the girl drinking from the blue cup is Leslie, and the top of the other person's head is Sarah. After much thought and brain racking, I've come to the conclusion that this is either Kevin's farewell or homecoming open house. I believe we're in the home of a ward member in El Monte. This type of picture is one my dad would attempt. This would have been quite a while ago.
Jared is married and has a couple of boys. They live in Utah. Leslie is married and has a family, and lives in Arizona. So does Sarah. James is back in Baldwin Park. It's too bad we're all so spread out. It would be fun to get together with our families.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is at the Barney's house, in the kitchen.