On Saturday, we went out to Anna's parents' house to have egg hunts and Easter dinner with her side of the family. I guess technically, it was Easter lunch. The kids had a great time playing with their cousins. We brought their scooters and they "scooted" up and down the sidewalk. Most of the other cousins brought scooters too.
The adults and the older kids got a chance to visit, which is always good. There was even an adult egg hunt. In that egg hunt, the eggs are the creme filled Cadbury eggs. Luckily I found mine in the first minute or so. Anna and Sara were the last to find theirs. In fact, I think there was a miss count, and Sara didn't find one at all. (I helped Anna find hers.)
Here are some pictures from that day...
The kids getting ready to "hunt"!
Liam with a quick smile while finding eggs.
Tegan enjoying her bounty.
Duncan and Jennan surveying the hunt.
Then on Sunday, the kids woke up to Easter baskets with candy, Easter Pezz dispensers filled with Pezz candy, and new tooth brushes! (thanks Sara) Our Easter bunny is dentally conscientious. After we got home from church, there was more egg hunting for the kids.
This year, Duncan couldn't "find" any eggs on the ground. Luckily for him, there are plenty of places off the ground to hide eggs. Here he is finding the egg that was hid in the lemon tree.
Anna got a little creative with this shot of Jennan through our grapefruit tree. There were a few eggs hidden in there.
There's Tegan finding an egg next to the tangerine tree.
Here they all are after the hunt.
Here's Liam doing more finding than he's got hands.
It was a very fun Easter weekend. The kids were well behaved, we got to visit with family, ate good food, and had plenty of candy.
The other cool part of the kids growing up, is their understanding of gospel principals. We talked about how it was fun to find eggs and talk about the Easter bunny, but that there was a real meaning behind it all. That Jesus payed for our sins and he was resurrected and lives. It seems like subjects that would be over their heads, but they listened and asked questions, and seemed to take it all in. Of course, there's so much more for them to learn about those subjects, as we all do, and I greatly look forward to seeing them learn and grow in the gospel. It's more than happiness; it's true joy.
Hope you had a great Easter too.
Sounds like a wonderful Easter. We had a good time too at Kellyann & Danny's. I do understand about watching your children grow and learn in the gospel and life!
glad i could help out with their dental hygene. thanks for letting anna and i go out.
Jennan's hair is soooo rad! Thats a great picture of her thru the trees! Egg hunts are so fun! Thanks to the germans and the pagans! AND toothbrushes in the candy baskets is the best idea ever!
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