It wasn't too crowded yesterday either, which was also an added bonus. Anna opted for the Disney gift card as her alternative for being a pass holder. The only down side to the card, is that it can't be used to purchase food. Though Anna was able to buy candy with it, which makes us wonder if we can use it to buy candy apples and other treats like that. We'll have to look into that next time we go.
Anyway, we had a fun time. Here are some pictures from our day...
There we are, making our way into the heart of California Adventure. Anna took the picture.
There is construction being done in the lake for a future water and light show, and there are some body outlines along the construction wall.
We made our way over to the Toy Story midway ride. Anna was showing the kids the mineral formations in the base board (or would it be called base tile?). So she took a couple of pictures of the kids looking at it.
On one side it's me and Liam, on the other side it's Duncan and Jennan. Tegan is with mom taking the picture. BTW: I came from behind to beat Anna by 2000+ points at the very end.
Jennan is tall enough to go on the jelly fish ride now, so Anna took her and the boys to ride it.

Strapped in and ready to go!
This is a great picture of Jennan. She looks awfully calm...

Mommy and Jennan, ready to go!... Jennan did fine on the ride, no freaking out or anything like that.

I guess after that we tucked the camera away because we didn't take any of us in Disneyland. Anna wanted to use some of her gift card to get a couple things for Liam's birthday, so while she snuck away to shop, I took the kids on Buzz Lightyear. There was hardly any line, so we got on pretty quickly. When we were done, we just circled around and got right back in line. Again it was very short, so we got right back on. After that, I tried to get them to go on a third time, but they weren't interested, so we had a snack while we waited for mommy.
We also went on Nemo, Autopia, and Pirates before heading home. The temperature had dropped a little more than we were prepared for, so the kids were getting kind of cold. We felt like we had had a full day, so we headed out. In honor of earth day, we walked back to the parking structure instead of taking the tram.
Almost forgot to mention we opened presents before we left to Disneyland. I made Anna a belt (her other one broke). Duncan made mommy a leather bracelet (with daddy's help). And we all gave her the DVD of the new School House Rock: Earth. She also bought herself a few tote bags at Disnayland with her gift card.
It was a fun day.
Strapped in and ready to go!
This is a great picture of Jennan. She looks awfully calm...
Mommy and Jennan, ready to go!... Jennan did fine on the ride, no freaking out or anything like that.
I guess after that we tucked the camera away because we didn't take any of us in Disneyland. Anna wanted to use some of her gift card to get a couple things for Liam's birthday, so while she snuck away to shop, I took the kids on Buzz Lightyear. There was hardly any line, so we got on pretty quickly. When we were done, we just circled around and got right back in line. Again it was very short, so we got right back on. After that, I tried to get them to go on a third time, but they weren't interested, so we had a snack while we waited for mommy.
We also went on Nemo, Autopia, and Pirates before heading home. The temperature had dropped a little more than we were prepared for, so the kids were getting kind of cold. We felt like we had had a full day, so we headed out. In honor of earth day, we walked back to the parking structure instead of taking the tram.
Almost forgot to mention we opened presents before we left to Disneyland. I made Anna a belt (her other one broke). Duncan made mommy a leather bracelet (with daddy's help). And we all gave her the DVD of the new School House Rock: Earth. She also bought herself a few tote bags at Disnayland with her gift card.
It was a fun day.
sounds like you guys had a fun time. i wish we could have gone too. we'll be going on monday if you guys want to join us.
That is a great way to spend a birthday....I think I will try it...tomorrow!
Jee, Duncan is such a ham, where does he get that? Liam has mastered that smile! Jennan has nerves of steel! Tegan is holding he own among the older siblings and has GREAT things going on in her brain! I think I should sign up for the birthday thing. . . . . You guys are cool too, I'm lame for not calling that day. Happy Birthday to my sister Anna!
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