Friday, February 19, 2010

friday flashback 02.19.10

Hey, look at me, I remembered to do a friday flashback amidst my busy schedule today!

Here it is...

We're at the Pali lookout at the Nu'uanu Pali State Park in Hawaii. As you can tell, it's WINDY there. This is from our family trip in 2001.

Kyle and Keith are posing twins (doing the same thing in the picture).

Anna's dreads were going crazy in the wind. Mom's hair was probably just as crazy, and Kristi probably had her dreads tied up (or is it down?).

Our shirts were very filled with air... yeah, that's it... they were filled with air... that's why they look all filled out!

This spot is on my personal "must do" list when ever I go to Hawaii. Probably because I've visited there every time I've ever been to Hawaii. My Hawaii is the island of Oahu. Anna's Hawaii is the island of Hawaii. We've never been there as just a couple, so it'll be interesting to see how we compromise any future Hawaii trip itinerary.

Which reminds me, we need to plan our anniversary trip. Hawaii is on the list, as well as a cruise, and Portland, Oregon. We should probably start the booking process soon to get the cheapest rates. Anyone have an opinion on any of that? Or advice?

1 comment:

Anna said...

SWEET! I almost busted up laughing in class right now (my students are taking a test)!

Seeing this picture totally makes me think we should do Hawaii! I can't believe we haven't been to my Hawaii alone together! It's just that the hotels would be so expensive! Maybe we should ask Grandpa what the cheap places are...of course, we could always just go camping! :)