I'm talking about chicken sandwiches! A good one is just as fulfilling as a good burger. Probably one of my all time favorite fastfood chicken sandwiches is the Charbroiled Chicken Club at Carl's Jr. One of the worst is the 99 cent McChicken sandwich at McDonalds.
Anyway, here's a coupon to get a free medium Coke (though I would guess you could get any of the sodas they offer) with the purchase of a Jalapeno Chicken Sandwich. Maybe not THAT great of a coupon (I prefer the buy one get one free variety), but if you look at the coupon closely, it says "you'll need it". I thought that was pretty funny, so I thought I'd share this with you anyway.

If you go and get one and eat it, share with the rest of us what you thought in the comments section.
You're welcome!
gahhh! spicy chicken! i can't eat stuff like this anymore - pregnancy changed my taste buds and i can't handle it. wahhh.
I had no idea you were pregnant! Does this mean you're also getting married soon?
Well, congrats?
ken, ken, ken. didn't you come to my wedding reception almost 13 years ago? don't i send you a lame-o christmas card every year? last time i even sent a letter with it!
Oops! Sorry Colleen, I thought you were a different Colleen!
Was that 13 years ago?! I still talk about your reception to whom ever will listen! Good Times!
bwah ha ha! i forgive. i was gonna throw a bangin' anniversary party this year, but we ran out of free weekends and now it's gonna be a hooray for summer party. i gotta get the invites out soon!
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