Monday, May 12, 2008

One less tooth...

Duncan finally lost his first tooth!

For those not aware, Duncan has two adult bottom teeth that are growing in behind his baby teeth. The dentist said it wasn't all that uncommon, and that the baby teeth would still eventually be pushed out. Turns out the Dentist was right afterall.

The lower incisor on the right had the first adult tooth grow behind it, and that's the one that loosened first. Ever since the first tiny wiggle, we've been working on wiggling it every day. It was begining to get REALLY loose this week, and Anna thought it was going to come out on Friday, but Duncan was not ready for that yet.

Saturday he kept messing with it in the morning, during Karate, in the van, at the party, and so on till Saturday night, and he was more willing to have it out, and so was Anna.

Anna convinced Duncan to let her use the method her Grandfather used on her when she was a little girl. Tie some floss around the tooth and tug! Of course, she never went into detail like that with Duncan, or he probably wouldn't have gone along with it. But he was letting her, so she kept going. (We were at Anna's folks' house, check the blog entry before this one for the details.)

Once the floss was secure, Anna tells Duncan. "OK, we'll count to 3 and then I'll pull it out. 1-2-3!" *tug* Anna pulls, and the floss slips out of her hand, and the tooth is still in! Duncan's eyes are as wide as can be, and he's got that look of what the heck just happened?!

As quick as can be, Anna grabs the floss again and says, "One more time Duncan, really fast, 1-2-3!! And she tugged that floss so hard, that the tooth came flying out of Duncan's mouth, out of the floss noose, and ricochets off the bathroom wall before it hits the ground! Anna excitedly shouts "It's out Duncan, your tooth came out!"

Duncan feels where his tooth used to be, and it's gone! He does see the blood on his finger, and becomes a little concerned about that. So we have him rinse his mouth, put a wet washcloth on it for a moment, get a drink of water, and he's much better. In the mean time, we put the tooth in a ziploc bag, and tell him the tooth fairy will be coming tonight.

He was already pretty tired from a day of playing, then add the trama of having your first tooth pulled, and then be told the tooth fairy will come after you fall asleep, and he was out within 3 minutes! He was the last of the kids to wake up the next morning, and he was pretty thrilled to find the tooth fairy had indeed come and put a one dollar bill in place of the tooth.

Anna told him she would take him to the 99 cent store, and he could get anything he wanted. He responded with "No thanks mom. I want to go to the pet store to buy a fish and a dog." We told him he could get a fish. I think that's what we'll be doing for family home evening tonight.

The second bottom incisor is barely loose, so that's the next one we'll be working on. When it's ready to come out, we'll see if Duncan opts for the floss method again or not.

1 comment:

Sara Kelley said...

aaahhhh yes, the ol' grandpa mack method. i never was a big fan of the floss tied around the freaked me out as a kid! maybe that's why when skyler's tooth was ready to come out i reached for the pliers...ok, maybe not...ok fine, i did. it didn't work though! josh ended up pulling it out.