Saturday, December 19, 2009

Jennan's black eye

While the kids were at Grandma McAlister's house Thursday, Jennan at some point was jumping on the bed in the front bedroom. And just like the monkeys, she fell off and bumped her head.

Actually, she jumped right into the wall, and the corner of a window sill. It scraped her eye socket really bad, and gave her a huge black eye. I guess it also got really swollen. By the time I picked the kids up, it had been a day, so some of the swelling had gone down, but it was black and blue for sure.

Once we got home, I took a few pictures. OUCH!

The ones above are from Friday. The ones below are from today (Saturday).

That's one nasty scab she's got going. Hopefully it doesn't scar too bad. Also you can tell in the more recent pictures, that the bruising is still spreading. It's gone toward her hairline, and a little further down her eye.

It doesn't seem to bother her at all. She her usual energetic self. So that's good.

Oh poor widdle Jennan.

1 comment:

Kristi said...

If that awesome black eye wasn't on that beautiful baby's face I would like it more. Poor little monkey!