Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Story of Pumpkin

I thought I would chronicle the journey of our pumpkin(s) this week. Mostly in picture form...

The beginnings-

Very cool.

Good size.

Almost completely transmogrified.


Ready to eat!

Yesterday I made pumpkin pie from scratch*. It was pretty cool to take something you've grown, and make it into something else worth eating. We've eaten our corn and squashes, but as corn and squashes. This pie is from our pumpkin. I found it quite rewarding. Hope they taste good.
Here's the link for the recipe/guide I used in the process. I didn't take any pictures of my progress since they would have looked a lot like the website I used anyway.
So yeah. That's my garden post for this week. Have a good Thanksgiving.
*I cheated on the pie crust. It's store bought.


Unknown said...

It was delicious!!

Anna said...

Yup! It sure was good! I'm glad we still have more pumpkins...that means more pie, right?