Friday, November 6, 2009

friday flashback 11.06.09

Happy Friday Flashback day everyone. As I usually do, I thumbed through the stack of old photos I have, in search of a Friday Flashback worthy picture to share. With this being the month that we tend to focus on eating... um, I mean gratitude, I came across this picture and it was today's winner.

Anna is awesome, and I'm thankful for her everyday!... but is that a Harvest pie she's holding? As I reminisced about Coco's pies, I noticed I have hairy hair on my head in this picture. We're at my folks' house. There's crystal on the table, and I am also in the "rest from eating" pose... this must be the Thanksgiving before Anna and I got married.

But wait, I thought we ate at my Grandparent's (Foutz) house the Thanksgiving before we got married. I know I've seen a picture ... And I found it..

So now, I'm a little confused. I don't think we had two Thanksgiving dinners that year, at least not on my side of the family. Based on the food in the second picture, it has to be Thanksgiving. We didn't have that kind of food during Christmas at the Foutz's, it would have been tamales and ham.

But because the food in the first picture has already been consumed, we can't know for sure. My new guess is it's a Christmas dinner we've finished in the first picture, and Anna just happened to bring a harvest pie to it. That would make it the Christmas right after we got married. Christmas dinner would explain the crystal, my hair, the fact that we're sitting around the table at my folks' house, etc.

That only makes these pictures about 14 years old... wait, what?!


Anna said...

Lemme help you out a little...
First picture: Thanksgiving at your folks' house, and I believe it it is 2005, right before we got married. That is a pumpkin ICE CREAM pie from Baskin Robbins that I made. I don't think that it is Christmas, because I would have made an egg nog or peppermint pie. I didn't start working at Coco's until much later, so it definatley isn't a harvest pie. :)

Second picture: This is still Thanksgiving. It is definiatly at Grandpa and Grandma Foutz's Rosemead house. I think it is the same year. They may be one year apart from each other...

Hmmm...maybe I'm not as big of a help as I thought! )

Gotta love Friday Flashbacks!

Ken said...

Ah yes, thank you baby, as clear as a scratched up tv rock.

Married in 2005, huh?

These have to be from the same year because I have hair. I just don't remember having two turkey meals that day, but that doesn't mean there wasn't.

Anyone else have an idea?

Kimberly said...

i can confirm that anna isn't holding a harvest pie. the pies at cocos had 5 dollups of whip cream in the middle, not one giant one.