Tuesday, May 12, 2009

It's A Dirty Job

Last night, Anna and I finished filling the first garden box with dirt from the slope. I would use the pickaxe (you can see it laying down at the corner of the garden box), to break up the hard (dusty) dirt, and Anna would shovel it in while I rested. Once she scooped in all the dirt I loosened, I would break up some more, and so on.

We filled it a couple inches from the top. We still have a couple of bags of manure to till in. That will raise the level slightly, but with watering, the dirt will probably compact a little too.

So that takes care of one box. Now we need to fill the second box. That one might take a little longer just because it's not right next to the slope. We could scoop, walk, and dump the dirt in, a shovel full at a time, but we're thinking it might be better to borrow a wheel barrel and fill that, then take that to the second box and dump it in.

Here's what the two look like now.

The regular trashcan is there because the "green waste" can is full of tree branches, and we needed a place to put the layer of grass we scraped off the slope.

I'm spending most of today and tomorrow getting ready to attend Wood Badge scout leader training, so I'm probably not going to be able to help out with filling the second box till next week. But still, I think we're off to a good start.


JN said...

That is so cool! I'm going to try and do some planters like that soon. Good luck with the garden.

Kristi said...

I learned that digging can be easier if you wet the dirt. Just trying to help.

Ken said...

JN: Thanks. We'll see how it goes.

Kristi: Yeah, we thought of that, but we didn't want the water to pool at the bottom near the box. I might try wetting the next bit of dirt though. At the very least, I want to slightly wet it to keep the dust down. Keep the tips coming.