Monday, May 4, 2009

Birthday Day

My birthday was Saturday, as most of you know, and I was on a scout trip for most of it. I didn't get home until 7:30pm. I knew I would be getting home later in the evening from that scout trip, and that I wouldn't have much birthday day left, so I arranged with my mom to be at our house that evening, so Anna and I could at least go to dinner when I got home.

When I finally did get home, Anna and the kids had a cake waiting for me. Mom made sure to bring enough candles (and wanted to make sure I knew it would take TWO boxes), for the cake.

Here's the smoky aftermath of all of those candles blown out.

After I blew out the candles, I opened a couple presents from mom and dad, and then from Anna and the kids. Here's a picture of Duncan giving me one of my presents. He was bear-hugging the box to give it to me, and I bear-hugged him and the box while saying "Thanks, Duncan." Fun stuff.

After presents and cake, it was time for the kids to get ready for bed. I jumped in the shower while mom and Anna changed the kids and got them in bed. Once I was ready to go, we headed out, and mom was on babysitting duty.

We went to Black Angus for dinner. It's always a treat to go out on a date. Thanks for coming out, Mom.


Kimberly said...

happy birthday, ken!

Kristi said...

Thats such a funny picture of Duncan in the air. And yer lucky the fire alarm didn't go off with all that smoke!

Unknown said...

You didn't tell them the part about how you had to pick Duncan up twice so that Anna could get the camera. It was fun to be there, thanks for inviting me.

Ken said...

Kristi: That was a consern.

Mom: Well, now they know. Thanks for coming over and babysitting that night. That was the best present.