Friday, February 6, 2009

UFC Fights Tomorrow

Here's a picture of me with UFC fighter Rob Emerson.
He's fighting tomorrow, but I don't think he'll beat Kurt Pelligrino.

It's been a while since I've put anything up here that was about MMA or the UFC fights I watch, but I thought I would today.

Tomorrow night, on Spike TV, I'll be watching UFC Fight Night. Fight Nights are a chance for fighters that might not have a whole lot of drawing power (people tuning in to see them fight) for a pay per view, to showcase their skills on "free" tv. This helps them build a fan base, and eventually find themselves on a PPV.

Anyway, there should be some good fights. I'm ging with Joe Lauson, Cain Velasquez, Mac Danzig, Anthony Johnson, Kurt Pelligrino, Jake Rosholt, Rich Clementi, Nick Catone, and Matt Riddle to win thier fights.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What really stinks is we were watching the ppv Sat. night and when they advertised Fight night we both sat up alarmed "whats today?" Aahhhrrrr!