Friday, February 6, 2009

Friday Flashback 2.6.09

Today's random flashback picture was taken when my whole family went to Hawaii. You would think I would know off the top of my head when that was, since it was the last time I was there, but nope. Or you would think I would know because Anna's got dreads, and she only had those for about 3-4 years. But I couldn't tell you what years they were.
One thing I do know, is that Anna and I didn't have any of the kids, so I know it was before Dec. of 2001. But, it's starting to come back to me... it was after Kelly graduated from High School! So this is either late June or early July. When I graduated, the whole family went to Hawaii, and when ever one of us graduated, they got to go to Hawaii with either mom or dad as a graduation present. Since Kelly was the last of the kids, we decided we would all go together again.
Anyway, back to this pretty unflattering picture. We had to walk down a path, and some stairs to see a waterfall. I don't remember the name of it. I'm looking pretty touristy with my video camera and bag though. Anna's about 4 mo. pregnant with Duncan. Keith looks like Keith.
I sure wouldn't mind going to Hawaii again sometime, except Hawaii for me is Oahu, and Hawaii for Anna is the big island, Hawaii. It's sure going to be fun deciding where to spend more time, because that means we're going. That's like having to decide what to eat at In-N-Out; what ever you get, it's gonna be good, because you're at In-N-Out!
Great, now I'm hungry for a double-double, and yearning for an island vacation. There went my day.


Anonymous said...

your guess of june/july 2001 is confirmed.

btw, when/where is the next family vacation? we should do that again.

Unknown said...

I think you are at Akaka Falls. And Kim and you are right. 2001 June/July

Anonymous said...

I always remember the name of the falls there cause its so funny! On the big island right? Love it there. But the other islands gotta be next, never been to Maui or Kauai. . .. . . . but since planes are out, lets go camping!

Kyle said...

Last vacation was that cruise, remember? That was so great of Cadence to be born around that time. Yeah, I remember.