Saturday, July 19, 2008

The new favorite show...

The kids have a new favorite show these days. It's called "Pet Star" and it airs on Animal Planet.

I'm not quite sure how they found this show. I don't know if the TV got turned on and it was in progress, or if it started after a show they were watching. But most likely is was recorded on the Tivo's "suggestions" category. Duncan's gotten pretty good at using the remote, and the suggestions is one of his favorite things to check. Keep in mind I have the TiVo set to record a bunch of the shows they already like, but he's into checking the suggestions.

Here's an example of what the show is like...

People bring their pets on and do some tricks, and then a "celebrity" panel gives them a score. After all the pets have been seen, the audience votes on the top 3 scorers, and the winner gets some money. I've yet to sit through a whole show, so that's what I've been able to piece together from what I've seen.

So next time you come and visit, you might be treated to a hearty helping of Pet Star!

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