Monday, July 14, 2008

GFCF mini corn dog meal...

As many of you know, we have Duncan and Liam on a GFCF diet. That means gluten free and casein free, which means no wheat (or similar grains) and no milk or dairy. That can make meal time kind of tricky. We've been trying new recipes to see which ones the boys (everyone) likes best.

One of the recipes we were drawn to was "food on a stick". The recipe was for the batter. It came time to try it, and Anna put it together. I helped with watching the mini corndogs as they cooked to make sure they didn't burn, and taking them out. Anna was dropping them in the oil. We were very pleased with how they were looking as they were coming out of the oil. If the food looks good, the boys will eat it better. We even cut one of the cooked ones early on to see how it tasted, and it tasted pretty good. Pretty dang close to a real regular corndog. Anna was very excited.

One of the things we've read and heard in making GFCF foods that your kids like, is make a HUGE batch, and freeze what you're not going to eat at the next meal. This way, when you don't have a lot of time to make everything from scratch again, you can just reheat some of what you put in the freezer. So that's what we did, we made a huge batch. We just kept frying till the batter was all gone.

Another thing we've decided to do is make things we used to make with regular flour, with alternative flours. I decided to make chocolate chip cookies using sweet rice flour, and milk free chocolate chips. Everything else was the same. They turned out pretty ok. They were definitely different, but not terrible (at least to us). I read that in using the rice flour as a wheat flour replacement, that you use 7/8ths of a cup of rice flour for every cup of wheat flour. I ignored that detail figuring that the extra 1/8 of rice flour wouldn't make that much difference, but the cookie dough was pretty dry, and so were the cookies. So next time I'll follow that direction. By the way, you get 7/8 of a cup by taking out 2 Tbs. from the cup. I think for the next batch of cookies I'll be using a GFCF all purpose flour, and Ghirardelli semi sweet chocolate chips (milk free).

So on Friday we ate GFCF mini corndogs, french fries, cantaloupe and strawberries, with chocolate chip cookies for dessert. The boys also had rice milk with their dinner. Anna kept calling it our GFCF thanksgiving meal.

The more we strive to continue to use the GFCF diet, the easier it is becoming. Thank you to all of you that have been supportive of our efforts.

Almost forgot... the kids LOVED the corndogs!

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