Friday, July 25, 2008

But what about your family?

I guess it's been a while since I put anything up here about the family, so here's a quick update...

The kids...

There's been a lot of bumps and bruises lately. And unfortunately, I haven't taken any pictures of them, sorry. A little over a week ago, Duncan found out the hard way why it's important to not run int he church; especially around those really heavy doors. He was trying to out run Liam into a room, and caught the edge of one of the doors just under his right eyebrow on the outer edge. It peeled back a tiny layer of skin, and left a small bruise. After a day or two it developed a solid scab. By now the scab has either fallen off, or been picked off, and he's got the newer pink skin in that spot.

Liam, the other day, walked into the edge of one of the buildings at school. I guess he wasn't looking where he was going, and as he turned his head, there was the stucco wall. It left a bit of an impression on Liam's forehead.

Tegan just yesterday went to bend over to pick something up next to the computer desk chair, and miss judged where the knob to adjust the seat was and strait head-butted it with full force, right in the center of her forehead. It turned a blueish color right away, and swelled about 1/4 inch out. The swelling went down before the end of the day, but the bruising is still there.

I can't remember if Jennan's done anything like that recently. She's usually our clumsy one, so it's just a matter of time till she's got a new bump or bruise. I'll try to keep you posted.

Other than that, things are going pretty well.

Duncan and Liam will be off track soon. Their last day is Aug. 1st, then they don't go back till after Labor Day. So that will be cool.

Jennan has been all about pretend play the past few weeks. She has a load of beany baby animals that she plays with. Particularly her two cats, Spots and Fur, they pretty much go everywhere with her. And she's getting to where she's wiping her own bottom after going poop, so that's very cool. Now we need to work on her putting her underwear and shorts back on when she's done using the toilet.

Tegan is walking more and more. If she wants to get somewhere quick, she'll plop down to her hands and knees and take off, but otherwise, she's walking to get where she wants to go. It may take her a little longer that way, but she doesn't seem to mind.

Anna is enjoying her time off from work. She's very dedicated to the kids' diet and learning as much as she can about biomedical treatments for ASD, as well as alternate vaccination time lines, and the use of "organic" products vs. regular products. If you have any questions about any of that stuff Anna would LOVE to share what she's learned. She's become quite passionate about those subjects.

As for me, I'm enjoying sleeping till 8am most days. Anna usually gets the kids up and ready for their day. I've committed to doing my calling as scoutmaster to the best of my ability, so that tends to take up some of each day. Anna's been good about not overwhelming me with "to do" lists, but I do have things that need to get done, and she's good about reminding me.

So that's it for this update. I'll try to put more stuff up here about the family more often.

1 comment:

Coralee said...

Hey Ken,
I need to get Anna's email address. I would love to talk to her about some of her research. We to are doing the delayed vaccination schedule and I'd love to compare ideas. Shoot Jared or I an email.
Coralee Bernard