Monday, May 3, 2010

monday music 05.03.10

I had a moment this weekend to watch a recorded episode of SNL. It was a repeat, and it was one I had seen before. The special guest was Zach Galifianakis, with musical guest Vampire Weekend.

Vampire Weekend performed their newest (at the time) release, "cousins", as one of the songs, and the other I had never heard before, but I REALLY liked it. I had no idea what the name of it was, and I guess I never made an effort to find out.

Well, while I was watching it again this weekend, and listening to this other song, I decided it would be my "monday music" post. That meant tryin to find it... luckily it wasn't difficult at all...

It's called, "Giving up the Gun". The video is pretty cool too.

But here's the SNL performance that I think I like a little better still...

Any thoughts?

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