Thursday, May 13, 2010

back to the grind

On monday I decided I needed to rededicate myself to losing weight. All the birthday coupons and deals had been used, so it was time.

I weighed 219.6 this morning. Last week I was 222.8. Not bad at all.

It's been a little tricky having a good breakfast the past couple weeks with taking Jennan to preschool. I feel that having it after getting home from dropping her off is too long after I get up. It's almost 2 hours. Not sure if it's a big deal, but I try to have breakfast within the hour that I get up, so my metabolism gets stoked before my body starts thinking it's not eating, and starts "storing".

So yeah, just trying to eat better, and make sure I walk at least 4 times a week. I'd really like to be under 200 by the time I leave for scout camp in early July. We'll see.

1 comment:

colleeeen said...

I'm down to 148! It's still not where I want to be (135), but it's soooooooo much better than the high 150's or whatever I was at after last summer...