Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Water and sunlight keep working their magic in the garden...

Here's the overall view. Looking good.

In box one, bushy broccoli and yellow squash. Some of the strawberry plants are gaining some size. The pests still get more berries than we do. Watermelon looks fine... it's just still so tiny. Anna refers to it as our bonsai watermelon plant.

This week I harvested the largest broccoli head. My model Tegan is showing it off. I gave some of it to my mom for mother's day. It's kind of lumpy and uneven, but still good.

Here are the other two broccoli heads. They seem a lot more uniform in shape. The middle one is about 6-7 inches in diameter, and near one is about 4 in. Might be another week or so till I harvest the next one.

Here's box 2 in the shadows. Zucchini is looking really good. Starting to see a lot of blossoms. The corn is getting tall.

Here's the view from underneath one of the zucchini plants. There's one zuc there about 4 inches long so far. There are a couple others about an inch long so far too. Can't wait to start harvesting these!

Corn rows! I'll have to thin this out in another week or so. Might put the ones I pull out in the front yard somewhere. Haven't decided yet. I think there's only a couple that haven't sprouted yet, and probably won't, but there's plenty, so I'm not worried out it.

So yeah, fun stuff. We're so happy about the broccoli! This gardening thing isn't so bad after all.


Kristi said...

You're already harvesting broccoli??? Thats sooo cool, your plants have gotten a nice size bigger since last week, I cant wait to join the fun.

Anna said...

The broccoli is awesome! I think we (meaning you) :) should plant it every year!

colleeeen said...

Homegrown broccoli has ruined me. Like tomatoes, I can't even bear to eat storebought broccoli anymore.