Sunday, March 1, 2009

Front Tooth #2 IS Outta Here!

This morning, Duncan was having his cereal as usual. Cocoa Pebbles. As he's taking bites, he mentions that his bottom teeth hurt his loose tooth. He was a little concerned, so I told him that because his tooth was loose, it was a little lower than normal, and that he might bump it on his bottom teeth every once in a while. He accepted the explanation and kept eating.

A moment later, he makes a sort of grunting squeal sound, so I turn to look at him (I was doing some dishes). I see him fishing around in his mouth, and pull something out. I walked over to the table, and sure enough, it's his tooth. He checks for blood, and sees some so he gets a little frantic for a moment. I get him a paper towel and he puts it on his gum, he gets up, goes to the bathroom, and rinses his mouth. He finds Anna and tells her the story.

After everything is ok, he wants to put it under his pillow right away. Anna helps him with that, we take a couple pictures, and under the pillow it goes.

Duncan already had a pretty sizable gap between his two front teeth when they were in; But now that they're out, it almost looks like he's missing more than just two teeth.

That loose tooth had even made it through the previous day's sparring in Karate! But it was no match for the mighty pebbles of cocoa!

Hopefully the adult teeth don't take too long to come in.


Anonymous said...

Whadda ya hope it doesn't take long for adult teeth to grow in!!! I love it! :)

Anonymous said...

I love his freaky orc teeth picture
(its the second one)