Monday, May 4, 2009

Monday Music 05.04.09

Today is the 4th day of the 5th month of the year, so I shuffled the ol' iPod, and went to the 9th song, and this is what was there...

The Beatles, "Magical Mystery Tour"

This is one of those songs that I know I listened to when I was a kid. I can remember the record sleeve, and putting the vinyl record on the record player. I remember really liking the harmonies, and the changes in tempo, etc. It gave me goose bumps, and still does.

There are too many Beatles songs I like to pick a favorite, but this one would be near the top. Do you have a favorite?


Katz said...

There's still a tie between "Maxwell's Silver Hammer" or "If I Fell".

Kimberly said...

i remember listening to mom's Beatles CD's (not records) and boy am i glad i did. great song choice.