Friday, May 22, 2009

Friday Flashback 05.22.09

Way before Justin Timberlake brought sexy back...

Look at these two wild and crazy guys!
Obviously that's Kevin and I dressed up in some funky outfits. NO, it's not Halloween... we're headed off to a young adult dance!
At some point we decided it was more fun to have the kind of attention dressing 70s brought us, over trying to be up on the trendy clothes at the time that everyone else was wearing. We were some pretty fun guys to hang out with.
About the picture: We're in the girls' room. The full length mirror was in there. Looks like we had some good timing... the tornado had already passed by before we got there.
- This is before Kevin's mission, and before I married Anna.
Funny stuff.
btw- I still have that tie.


Ken said...

I can't believe it's Monday already and no one has commented on this post?!

Kristi said...

My brain got all swirly thinking about that room when it "was" a tornado and you two with your outfits! Oh and church dances, yikes!

colleeeen said...

you guys look sweet. i totally would have danced with you. i wore a gold lame dress to a stake dance once, and my escorts wore really awful tuxes. it made it all worthwhile.

Kellyann said...

I like how your pants match the color of the carpet, (which amazingly enough you can actually see)