Luckily, there was a comic book shop near us in Redlands that was participating. The way it works is, there are specially produced comics just for this events, and those are the free comics. You don't get to walk in and get what ever comics you want for free. I think it's a great way to introduce kids to comics since you don't have to buy them.
Anyway, Anna took the kids to the comic shop. There was a table with all the comics on it, and Anna told the kids they could each choose one. A worker over heard her, and told her that the kids could have one of each if they wanted. But that if she didn't want the kids to have more than one each, that was fine too. Anna said she didn't know they could do that, and the worker said he didn't know if she was some sort of "psycho mom" who didn't want her kids to have more than one comic. (Yep, he really said that to her.) It was all light-hearted and fun.
So Anna grabbed one of each comic for every person in our household! She figured I could give any extras to the scouts for rewards or what ever.
Here's Duncan, nose deep, in the Sonic comic he got.
Here are all the free comics they were giving away. There are 12.
Here's what the stack of comics Anna came home with looks like. And this stack is even missing about 6 or 7 comics from it that the kids were already reading. The whole stack had 72 books (12x6).

There's just something great about seeing your kids reading on their own. Even if it's just a comic book.

So yeah, I think this event happens each first Saturday in May. I'd say to put it on your calendar, but that's a year away, so just make a mental note.
There's just something great about seeing your kids reading on their own. Even if it's just a comic book.
So yeah, I think this event happens each first Saturday in May. I'd say to put it on your calendar, but that's a year away, so just make a mental note.
We (Madison, Geronimo, Bodie and I) had to wait for over an hour in line this year. There were 4 of the artists signing the comics inside the shop. Maybe I'll get around to posting some pictures.
Wow. Anna and the kids had no wait at all. Of course, there was also no signing going on.
"JUST a comic book"?!?!? That picture of Duncan nose deep in one made my heart skip! Excellent job Anna! So, whats a sister gotta do to get an extra or two . . .?
I was in Flagstaff that day and there was NOWHERE to get hooked up, lame.
Kristi: I think something can be arranged. *note to self- Flagstaff business opt: comic book shop.
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