Friday, October 31, 2008

Friday Flashback- Halloween

The year is 2003. Liam is 6 months old, Duncan is almost 2 years old. We were living in El Monte. This was taken at the ward Halloween party.
What the boys are wearing are actually pajamas. They got to wear those more often than just Halloween.
Anna made her costume. She sewed it all herself. She recalls making it in the summer because that's when she would have the time to make something like that.
As for me, the wig is something my dad had laying around, and the shirt and tie too. Maybe even the jacket and pants. He's got all kinds of that stuff. I did my own makeup. This would have been a few years after I had a theatrical makeup class at PCC. It's a lot more detailed than when I did my Halloween makeup as a teenager.
Hope you have a fun Halloween.
Be Safe.


Mr. Mustachio said...

Theatrical makeup class?
Anna might be happy to know that somebody made a Purple Pie Man reference yesterday.

p.s. flysand
(is blogger trying to subconsciously make additions to our dictionaries?)

colleeeen said...

seriously, that is some naaaasty-looking makeup. good job.