Tuesday, September 2, 2008


This past weekend I completed induction into the Tribe of Tahquitz. I am an "Honorary" member of the Tribe.

This will help explain: (from their website)

About the Tribe of Tahquitz

Tribe of Tahquitz – The organization was created in Idyllwild,back in 1925. It consisted of 15 honor scouts, which were chosen to start and maintain a perpetual volunteer summer camp staff at Camp Tahquitz. To keep active during the winter months, the Tribe has developed an extensive Indian Lore, backpacking and service program. These programs benefit the Long Beach Area Council and surrounding community and give the Tribesmen unique youth leadership experience. The Tribe is particularly known for the Indian Lore ceremonies that it's members perform throughout the year at Scouting and civic group meetings. A great sense of dedication and many traditions has been developed throughout the 80-plus year history of this great organization. The Tribe exists only in the Long Beach Area Council.

Tribe of Tahquitz Membership Requirements – To be eligible for membership, a Scout must be at least 14 by December 31 of this year; hold the rank of First Class or above with two of the following merit badges: Backpacking, Camping, Cooking, Hiking, Wilderness Survival; and have at least two long-term camping experiences, one of which must be at Camp Tahquitz. Scouts who will be 13 by December 31 of this year and are at least a Second Class Scout meet the requirements for Neophtye membership of the Tribe. All adults (18 years or older) who spend a full week at Camp Tahquitz with their troop are eligible to be Honorary Tribesmen.

Tribe of Tahquitz Membership Invitation – Near the end of the week of summer camp that a troop attends, the Tribe camp staff, along with scoutmasters present in camp, meets at Tribe Rock. There they discuss all of the Scouts present in camp who are truly “Honor Scouts.” Then, after a democratic vote, those Scouts are offered an invitation to join the Tribe. The Tribe announces and invites its new Tribesmen, Neophytes and Honorary members at the Friday night awards campfire. In order to become regular members, Tribesmen and Honorary Invitees must complete the Annual Induction ceremony held at Camp Tahquitz over Labor Day weekend.

One thing it doesn't mention is, you don't have to be from the Long Beach Area Council (LBAC) to join Tribe. I'm in the California Inland Empire Council (CIEC). Camp Tahquitz is only a 40 minute drive away from Highland, so that's really convenient. There are a few YSAs in my ward that were in Tribe as youth, and are still active in Tribe as honorary members.

It was a very cool experience. I'm happy to be a tribesman. I highly recommend Camp Tahquitz to any scout troop.


Unknown said...

Congratulations Tribesman. What did you have to do during the induction?

Ken said...


I can't give any details, I've been sworn to secrecy.

But it's a rite of passage type of experience.